Professor Yi-Ming Arthur Chen, M.D., M.S., Sc.D.




 Current Position


Vice President,

Director, Center for Infectious Disease and Cancer Research (CICAR)

Distinguished Professor, Department of Microbiology,

College of Medicine,

Kaohsiung Medical University
Kaohsiung City



  • 1975-1982         M.D., Department of Medicine, National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taiwan
  • 1982-1984         M.S., Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, NYMU, Taiwan
  • 1986-1990         Sc.D., Department of Cancer Biology (Infectious Disease and Immunity),

                             Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA

Jointed appointment

  • Institute of Medical Research, Kaohsiung Medical University
  • Institute of Clinical Research, Kaohsiung Medical University


Adjunct appointments

  • Adjunct Research member              
    • National Institute of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology
    •  National Health Research Institute
    •  Taiwan
  • Adjunct Professor
    •  Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming University
  • Adjunct Professor
    • Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, National Yang-Ming University
  • Adjunct professor
    • Department of Public Health,
    •  College of Public Health and Nutrition,
    • Taipei Medical University


Working experiences

  • 1982-1984      Teaching Assistant, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, NYMU, Taiwan
  • 1984-1986      Aviation Doctor, Air-force General Hospital, (Military services), Taiwan
  • 1986              Lecturer, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, NYMU
  • 1990-1992      Visiting Scientist, Lab of Molecular Oncology, National Cancer Institute, USA
  • 1992-1998      Associate Professor, Institute of Public Health, NYMU, Taiwan
  • 1992-1994      Associate Research Member, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  • 1993-1995      Director, Section of Extra curriculum, Office of Student Affairs, NYMU
  • 1994-1997      Chairman, Institute of Public Health
  • 2000-2005      Chairman, Institute of Public Health
  • 1998-2007      Professor, Institute of Public Health, NYMU, Taiwan
  • 2002-2003      Visiting Scientist, HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI, USA
  • 2007-2009      Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, NYMU
  • 2009-2012      Distinguished Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, NYMU
  • 2007-2010      Dean, Office of International Affairs, NYMU
  • 2008-2010      Director, International Health Program, NYMU
  • 2010-2011      Dean, Office of Research and Development, NYMU
  • 2010-2011      Director, Office of Research Centers, NYMU

Advisory committee, steering committee and society

  • 1998-2013      Council of Representative, Asia Pacific AIDS Services Organization (APCASO)
  • 2004-2014      Member, Committee for AIDS Prevention and HIV-infected People’s Rights Protection, Executive Yuan, Taiwan
  • 2012-2014      Member, Illegal Drug Examination and Determination Committee,Ministry of Legal Affairs,

                           Executive Yuan,Taiwan

  • 2013-2014      Chairman, Medical Education Committee, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
  • 2012-2013      Examination Committee, Scholarship for Study Abroad, Ministry of Education
  • 2010-2014      Chairman, Microbiology field, National Examination for Medical Board, Examination Yuan of ROC.
  • 2013-2014      Board Member, Science and Technology Grants Examination and Evaluation Committee
  • 2012              High Rank Government Officer Examination Committee Member
  • 1994-2013      Founder and Coordinator, Living with Hope Organization
  • 2010-2013      Executive Supervisor, Taiwan Society of Preventive Medicine
  • 2011-2014      Executive Director, Taiwan Harm Reduction Association
  • 1996-2013      Founder and Board member, Taiwan AIDS Hope Association
  • 2007-2013      Consultant, Anti-drug Usage Committee, Tao-Yuan Prefecture, Taiwan
  • 2007-2013      Consultant, Taipei City Government
  • 2008-2013      Board Member, Taiwan Society of Microbiology
  • 1992-2004      Member, AIDS Advisory Committee, Centers of Disease Control, Ministry of Health, Taiwan
  • 1992-2004      Member, AIDS Advisory Committee, Centers of Disease Control, Ministry of Health, Taiwan
  • 1996-2006      Advisory Board on Health Issues, Consumer Foundation, Taiwan
  • 2001-2010      Member, AIDS Education Advisory Committee, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
  • 2004-2009      Member, Steering committee, Therapeutic Research, Education and AIDS Training in Asia

                           (TREAT Asia) (served as the chairman 2008-09)

  • 2001-2003      Regional Task Force on HIV/AIDS Care and support in Asia
  • 2002-2005      Vice Chairman, Global Chinese AIDS Network (co-founder)
  • 2008-2010      Vice Chairman, Global Chinese AIDS Network
  • 2005-2007      Chairman, Taiwan AIDS Quilt Association (Founder)
  • 2006-2009      Board member, Harmony Home Association
  • 2003-2009      Board member, Taiwan Society of Epidemiology
  • 2007-2011      Chairman, Taiwan Harm Reduction Association
  • 2006-2009      Consultant, Centers for Disease Control, Taiwan
  • 2008-2012      Board Member, Taiwan Can Love Association(Co-founder)
  • 2008-2009      TREAT Asia Steering Committee Chair
  • 2009               Committee Member, Global Vaccine Access Council (University of Western Ontario, Canada)


Honors and awards


  1. Scholarship from Society of Microbiology of ROC, Yen Shi-Chung Award, 1983.
  2. Scholarship from the Ministry of Education to study abroad, Taiwan, R.O.C., 1986-89.
  3. Scholarship from the Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, Program of International Training Grants 1989-92.
  4. Education and Culture Award, Significant Contribution to the Scientific Education for the Public, from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 1993.
  5. Research award, from the National Science Council, Taiwan, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999 and 2000.
  6. Secretary General, the First, Second and Third Taipei International AIDS Conferences, 1990, 1992 and 1994.
  7. Candidate for the International Prince Mahidol Award from Thailand, nominated by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., 1994.
  8. Young Investigator Award, First Joint Annual Conference of the Society of Oncology, Taiwan, 1996.
  9. Who’s Who in the World, 2001- 18th edition.
  10. Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 2002 edition.
  11. Who’s Who among Executives and Professionals, 2010 edition.
  12. Scholarships from the National Science of Council of ROC for short-term training abroad (2003).
  13. Outstanding Research Award from National Science Council, 2008.
  14. Outstanding alumnus, Fu-Xin Primary school, 2004.
  15. Best Paper Award from the Urbani Foundation 2005 and 2007.
  16. Award to Special contribution to harm reduction program, 2007, Ministry of Health, Taiwan.
  17. The Second Best Research Paper Award of the Chinese Medical Association Annual meeting, 2007.
  18. The Best Research Paper Award of the Taipei City Hospital grants, 2007.
  19. Outstanding alumnus (Academic achievement), National Yang-Ming University, 2009.
  20. The 8th National Innovation Award in the Academic Research Category by Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry, 2011.
  21. Award of the “Science Tour-Health Research in Germany” from German Academic Exchange Service, 2011.


Editors and Reviewers:

Associate Editor:

Biomedical Central (BMC)-Infectious Disease (since 2008);

Biomedical Central (BMC)-Research Note (since 2008).

Journal of Integrated Omics (since 2013) 


Editorial board member:

The Open Hepatology Journal (since 2008)

Liver Cancer Review Letters (since 2009)

World Journal Hepatology (2009-2013)

World Journal of Clinical Case (since 2012)

Chinese Journal of Medicine (since 2008)

Newsletter for Research on Applied Ethics (since 2000, in Chinese)

Journal of Advanced Technology and Management (since 2011, in Chinese)



  1. United States Patent: Detection and Correction of Abnormalities of Cells having Decreased Levels of Glycine N-methyltransferase. Patent number: 5994093 (1999/11/30-Nov. 30, 2019/11/29).
  2. ROC Patent: Detection and Correction of Abnormalities of Cells having Decreased Levels of Glycine N-methyltransferase. Patent number: 086114505  (Duration: 1997/10/4-Oct. 4, 2017/10/3).
  3. United States Patent: Glycine N-methyltransferase monoclonal antibodies and methods of use therefore. Patent number:7176291 (Duration: 2007/2/13-2027/2/12).
  4. United States Patent: Glycine N- methyltransferase (GNMT) animal model and use thereof. Patent number: US7759542 (Duration: 2007/8/1-2027/7/31).
  5. China Patent:甘氨酸N-甲基轉移酶在製備預防或治療黃麴霉素所引發的疾病的藥物中的應用. Patent number: 200810008673.6 (Duration: Jan. 29, 2008/1/29- 2027/1/28).
  6. ROC patent:一種與憂鬱症、精神分裂症和阿茲海默症有關的小鼠動物模式. Patent No. P-090035-TW (duration: 2012/9/12-2032/9/12).
  7. A mouse model for depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. Under review (Patent under application in US and Europe).




Referred papers: (*corresponding author)

  1. Chen YM, Hu CP, Wong FH, et al. Circulating immune complexes in the sera and ascites of hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Chinese J. Micro. Immunol. 19: 34-45, 1986.
  2. Chen YM, Hu C, Chen P, et al. Nuclear antigens reacted with sera and ascites of hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Hepatology 8: 547-552, 1988.
  3. Matsuda Z, Chou MJ, Matsuda M, Huang JH, Chen YM, Redfield R, Mayer K, Essex M and Lee TH. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 has an additional coding sequence in the central region of the genome. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 85: 6968-6972, 1988.
  4. Chen YM, Lee TH, Samuel KP, Okayama A, Tachibana N, Miyoshi I, Papas TS, and Essex M. Antibody reactivity to different regions of human T-cell leukemia virus type-I (HTLV-I) gp61 in infected people. J. Virol. 63: 4952-4957, 1989.
  5. Chen YM, Lee TH, Wiktor SZ, Shaw GM, Murphy EL, Blattner WA and Essex M. Type-specific antigens for serological discrimination of HTLV-I and II infection. Lancet 336: 1153-1155, 1990.
  6. Chen YM, Gomez-Lucia E, Okayama A, Tachibana N, Lee TH, Mueller N and Essex M. The antibody profile of early HTLV-I infection. Lancet 336: 1214-1216, 1990.
  7. Okayama A, Chen YM, Tachibana N, Shioiri S, Lee TH, Tsuda K and Essex M. High incidence of antibodies to HTLV-I tax in blood relatives of adult T-cell leukemia patients. J. Infect. Dis. 163: 47-52, 1991.
  8. Chen YM, Okayama A, Lee TH, Tachibana N, Mueller N and Essex M. Sexual transmission of HTLV-I associated with the presence of the anti-tax antibody. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 1182-1186, 1991.
  9. Chen YM and Essex M. Identification of a recombinant HTLV-II envelope protein with distinguishing reactivities to sera from HTLV-II carriers. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 7: 453-457, 1991.
  10. Chen YM, Zhang X-q, Dahl C, Samuel KP, Schooley RT, Essex M and Papas TS. Delineation of type-specific regions on human T-cell leukemia virus envelope glycoproteins. J. Immunol. 147: 2368-2376, 1991.
  11. Chen YM*. Serological discrimination of HTLV-I and HTLV-II infection by recombinant protein-western blot assays. Biomed. Pharmacotheraphy 45: 274, 1991.
  12. Okayama A, Kober B, Chen YM, Allan J, Lee TH, Shioiri S, Tachibana N, Tsuda K, Mueller N, Mclane MF, Maayan S, Markink R, Orgad S and Essex M. Unusual pattern of antibodies to HTLV-I in family members of adult T-cell leukemia patients. Blood 78: 3323-3329, 1991.
  13. Samuel KP, Hodge DR, Chen YM and Papas TS. Nef protein of the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-1 and HIV-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) are structurally similar to leucine zipper transcriptional activation factors. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 7: 697-706, 1991.
  14. Zhang X-q, Yang L, Ho DD, Kuritzkes D, Chen I, Chen YM and Schooley RT. HTLV-I and HTLV-II Specific antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity: strain specificity and epitope mapping. J. Infect. Dis. 165: 805-812, 1992.
  15. Maayan S, Dan M, Marlink R and Chen YM*. Exposure to Human Retroviruses HTLV-I, HTLV-II and HIV among Israeli IV drug abusers. Int. J. Epidemio. 21: 995-997, 1992.
  16. Whang-Peng J, Chen YM, Knutsen T, Zhao W-P and Tsai S. Chromosome studies in HTLV-I, II, and HIV-1, 2 cell lines infected in vivo and in vitro. J. Acqui. Immun. Defic. Syndr.( JAIDS) 6: 930-940, 1993.
  17. Chen YM*, Jang Y-J, Kanki PJ, Wang J-J, Montali RJ, Samuel KP and Papas TS. Isolation and characterization of simian T-cell leukemia virus type II from New World monkeys. J. Virol. 68: 1149-1157, 1994.
  18. Hodge DR, Chen YM and Samuel KP. Oligomeraization of the HIV-2 Nef Protein: mutational analysis of the heptad leucine repeat motif and cysteine residues. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses 11: 65-79, 1995.
  19. Chen YM. Taiwan's sex-workers have less than 1% infection. AIDS Analysis Asia 1: 2 1995.
  20. Chang L-J, Chen YM, Chen, M-Y, Chou C-C, Twu SJ, Huang L-M. HIV 10 years later-where do we stand now? J. Biomed. Sci. 2: 1-11, 1995.
  21. Yao C, Wang W-W, Chung Y-M, Su Y-L, Liu C-Y and Chen YM*. Transfusion-acquired AIDS in Taiwan. J. Formos. Med. Assoc. 95: 51-55, 1996.
  22. Chen YM*, Lin H-C and Chou P. A population-based epidemiological study of human T-cell leukemia virus type I infection in Kin-Hu, Kinmen. Int. J. Cancer 59: 569-573, 1996.
  23. Yao C, Kao S-S, and Chen YM*. Cost-benefit analyses of the HIV-1 and HIV-1/HIV-2 screening program in blood donation centers in Taiwan. Chin. J. Public Health (Taipei) 15: 483-496, 1996.
  24. Chang P, Liau M-Y, Yang C-M, Ho M-S, Lee C-H, Chen YM and Horng C-B. Cost analysis of establishing the capability of producing MMR, DTaP, HBV, and OPV vaccines in Taiwan. Chin. J. Public Health (Taipei) 15: 517-524, 1996.
  25. Chen YM*, Chang L-Y, Fu C-Y and Chou P. A survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) concerning AIDS among female sex workers from massage parlors in Taiwan. Chin. J. Public Health (Taipei) 16: 439-454, 1997.
  26. Shieh B, Lee C-M, Su I-J, Chen YM and Li C. Molecular subtyping of the V3 loop sequences detected in HIV-1-positive patients at the National Cheng Kung University Hospital. Chinese J. Micro. Immunol. 30: 106-114, 1997.
  27. Li C, Yan Y-P, Shieh B, Lee C-M, Lin R-Y, and Chen YM*. Analysis of the CKR5 allele in AIDS patients and female sex workers in Taiwan. J. Formos. Med. Assoc. 96: 979-984, 1997.
  28. Chen YM*, Chen S-H, Chen J-Y and Osame M. Antibody reactivities to tumor-suppressor protein p53 and HTLV-I Tof, Rex and Tax in HTLV-I infected people with differing clinical status. Int. J. Cancer 71:196-202, 1997.
  29. Chen Y-J, Shih L-S, Chang J-G, Whang-Peng J, and Chen YM*. Frequent detection of aberrant RNA transcripts of the CDKN2 gene in human gastric adenocarcinoma. Int. J. Cancer 71: 350-354, 1997.
  30. Chen YM*, Yu PS, Lin C-C and Jen I. Surveys of HIV-1 HTLV-I and other sexually transmitted diseases among female sex workers in Taipei city and prefectures, Taiwan from 1993 to 1996. JAIDS J. Acquir. Immun. Defic. Syndr. Hum. Retrovirol. 18: 299-303, 1998.
  31. Chen YM*, Lee C-M, Lin R-Y, Chang H-J. Molecular epidemiology and Trends of HIV-1 Subtypes in Taiwan. JAIDS J. Acquir. Immun. Defic. Syndr. Hum. Retrovirol. 19: 393-402, 1998.
  32. Chen YM*, Shiu J-Y, Tzeng SJ, Li-Sun Shih, Yi-Jen Chen and Lui W-Y. Characterization of the glycine-N-methyltransferase-gene expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Int. J. Cancer 75: 787-793, 1998.
  33. Chen Y-J, Shih L-S and Chen YM*. Quantitative analysis of CDKN2, p53 and retinoblastoma mRNA in human gastric carcinoma. Int. J. Oncol. 13: 249-254, 1998.
  34. Chen YM*, Lin R-H, Lee C-M, Fu C-Y, Chen S-C and Syu W-J. Decreasing levels of anti-Nef antibody correlate with increasing viral loads and AIDS disease progression. AIDS Res. Human Retroviruses 15: 43-50, 1999.
  35. Chen YM*, Ting S-T, Lee C-M, W-T Liu, Pan W-H, TA Chang, Chou P. Community-based molecular epidemiology of human T-cell leukemia virus type I infection in Taiwan and Kinmen: Implication of the origin of the cosmopolitan subtype in North East Asia. AIDS Res. Human Retroviruses 15: 229-237, 1999.
  36. Liou YM, Chou P, Chen YM*. Genotypic Analysis of HCV infection in Kinmen. J. Microbiol. Immunol. Infect. 33: 149-153, 2000. 
  37. Chen YM*, Chen LY, Wong FH, Lee CM, Chang TJ, Yang-Feng TL. Genomic structure, expression and chromosomal localization of the human glycine N-methyltransferase gene. Genomics 66: 43-47, 2000.
  38. Chen YM*, Huang KL, Jen I, Chen SC, Liu YC, Chuang YC, Wong JC, Tsai JJ. Temporal trends and molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 Subtypes in Taiwan from 1988 to 1998. J. Acquir. Immun. Defic. Syndr. Hum. Retrovirol.(JAIDS) 26: 274-282, 2001.
  39. Chen YM*, Rey WY, Lan YC, Lai SF, Huang YC, Wu SI, Liu TT, Hsiao KJ. Antibody reactivity to HIV-1 Vpu in HIV-1/AIDS patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy. J. Biomed. Sci. 10: 266-275, 2003.
  40. Yang MH, Chen YM, Kuo BI, Wang KY. Quality of life and related factors for people living with HIV/AIDS in Northern Taiwan. J. Nurs. Res. 11: 217-26, 2003.
  41. Liu HH, Chen KH, Shih YP, Lui WY, Wong FH, Chen YM*. Characterization of reduced expression of glycine N-methyltransferase in the cancerous hepatic tissues using two newly developed monoclonal antibodies. J. Biomed. Sci. 10: 87-97, 2003.
  42. Tseng TL, Shih YP, Huang YC, Wang CK, Chen PH, Chang JG, Yeh KT, Chen YM*, Buetow K. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of a putative tumor susceptibility gene, GNMT, in liver cancer. Cancer Res. 63: 647-654, 2003.
  43. Chen SY, Lin JR, Darbha R, Liu TY, Lin CH, Chen YM*. Glycine N-Methyltransferase tumor susceptibility gene in the Benzo(a)pyrene-detoxification pathway. Cancer Res. 64: 3617-3623, 2004.
  44. Lan YC, Liu HF, Shih YP, Yang JY, Chen HY, Chen YM*. Phylogenetic analysis and sequence comparisons of structural and non-structural SARS coronavirus proteins in Taiwan. Infect. Genetic. Evolu. 5: 261-269, 2005.
  45. Lan YC, Liu TT, Yang JY, Chen YJ, Lu JJ, Chan YJ, Liu HF, Chen HY, Suing CA, Hsiao KJ, Ho MS, Chen YM*. Molecular epidemiology of SARS-Associated coronavirus infection in Taiwan. J. Infect. Dis. 191: 1478-1489, 2005.
  46. Huang CY, Sun CT, Hsieh JL, Chen YM, Lin H. A novel small-world model: using social mirror identities for epidemic simulations. Simulation 81: 671-699, 2005.
  47. Zhou J, Kumarasamy N, Zhang F, Zhao H, Han N, Li P, Lee MP, Chen YM, Wong WW, Wang DCC, Anand S, Cecelia JA, Pujari S, Joshi K, Lee CKC, Kaur S, Kamarulzaman A, Ditangco R, Capistrano R, Paton NI, Yap M, Phanuphak P, Siangphe U, Khongphattanayothing M, Vibhagool A, Kiertiburanakul S, Kiatatchasai W, Chuah J, Fankhauser W, Dickson B, Frost K, Wong S, Cooper DA, Law MG, Petoumenos K. Predicting short-term disease progression among HIV-infected patients in Asia and the Pacific region: Preliminary results from the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD) .HIV Med. 6: 216-223, 2005.
  48. Chen WJ, Yang JY, Lin JH, Fann CSJ, Osyetrov V, King CC. Chen YM, H. L. Chang HL, Kuo HW, F. Liao F, Ho MS. Nasopharyngeal shedding of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus is associated with genetic polymorphisms. Clin. Infect. Dis. 42: 1561-1569, 2006.
  49. Chen, YM*, Liang SY, Chu DC, Lee YM, Chang L, Jung SY, Chen HY, Chjan YJ, Ho MS, Liang KY, Jang Y-J, Chu T-C. Epidemiological and genetic correlates of SARS coronavirus infection in a hospital with the highest nosocomial infection rate in Taiwan in 2003. J. Clinc. Microbio. 44: 359-365, 2006.
  50. Hsieh YH, Lee SM, Chen CW-S, Chen YM, Wu S-I, Lai SF. Estimating the Number of HIV-infected gay sauna patrons in Taipei area. Physica. A. 362: 495-503, 2006.
  51. Chen YM*, Lan YC, Lai SF, Yang JY, Tsai SF, Kuo HS. HIV-1 CRF07_BC infections, injecting drug users, Taiwan. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 12: 703-705, 2006.
  52. Lee CM, Chen SY, Lee YCG, Huang CYF, Chen YM*. Benzo[a]pyrene and glycine N-methyltransferse interactions: Gene expression profiles of the liver detoxification pathway. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 214: 126-135, 2006.
  53. Chiu HC, Wang FD, Chen YM, Wang CT. Effects of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transframe protein p6* mutations on viral protease-mediated Gag processing. J. Gen. Virol. 87: 2041-2046, 2006.
  54. Qiu JT, Chang TC, Lin CT, Chen YM, Li F, Soong YK, Lai CH. Novel codon-optimized GM-CSF gene as an adjuvant to enhance the immunity of a DNA vaccine against HIV-1 Gag. Vaccine. 25(2):253-263, 2007.
  55. Shih YP, Chen CY, Liu SJ, Chen KH, Lee YM, Chao YC, Chen YM.* Identifying Epitopes Responsible for Neutralizing Antibody and DC-SIGN Binding on the Spike Glycoprotein of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. J. Virol. 80: 10315-10324, 2006.
  56. Hsu CH, Hwang KC, Chao CL, Chang SGN, Ker CC, Chien LC, Ho MS, Lin JG, Chen YM, Chou P. The lesson of supplementary treatment with Chinese medicine on severe laboratory-confirmed SARS patients. Am. J. Chin. Med. 34: 6927-6935, 2006.
  57. Zhou J, Paton NI, Ditangco R, Chen YM, A Kamarulzaman, N Kumarasamy, CKC Lee, PCK Li, TP Merati, P Phanuphak, S Pujari, A Vibhagool, F Zhang, J Chuah, KR Frost, DA Cooper and MG Law. Experience with the use of a first-line regimen of stavudine, lamivudine and nevirapine in patients in the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database. HIV Med. 8: 8-16, 2007.
  58. Coulibaly S, Yen PMN, Fu LA, Chen YM*. Needs assessment of people living with HIV/AIDS in Taiwan. Taiwan J. Public Health 26: 38-48, 2007.
  59. Huang YC, Lee CM, Shih YP, Chung MY, Chang YH, Huang JSW, Ho MTD, Pan CC, Wu TL, Hsu JM, Yang S, Lin MW, Chen YM.* Haplotypes, loss of heterozygosity and expression levels of glycine N-methyltransferase gene in prostate cancer. Clin. Cancer Res. 13: 1412-1420, 2007.
  60. Chen YM* and Kuo HS. HIV-1 in Taiwan. Lancet 369: 623-625, 2007. (has been chosen as the Article of the Month, April 2007 by the International Harm Reduction Association).
  61. Lin YT, Lan YC, Chen YJ, Liu TT, Yang JY, Wong WW, Wang CT, Chen YM.* Molecular epidemiology and full-length genomic analysis of HIV-1 circulating recombinant form 07_BC strains from injecting drug users in Taiwan. J. Infect. Dis. 195: 1283-1293, 2007.
  62. Huang YC, Chung MY, Chang YH, Huang JSW, Wu TL, Hsu JM, Yang S, Lin MW, Chen YM.* The CYP19 TCT Tri-Nucleotide Del/Del Genotype is a Susceptibility Marker for Prostate Cancer in a Taiwanese Population. Urology 69: 996-1000, 2007.
  63. Lien SP, Shih YP, Lien S, Tsai JP, Leng CH, Chen HW, Lin MH, Liu SY, Chen YM, Chong P, Liu SJ. Identification of synthetic vaccine candidates against SARS CoV infection. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 358: 716-721, 2007.
  64. Chen CY, Ping YH, Lee HC, Chen KH, Lee YM, Lian DC, Jap TS, Lin CH, Kao LS, Chen YM.* Open reading frame 8a of the human severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus not only promotes viral replication but also induces apoptosis. J. Infect. Dis. 196: 405-415, 2007.
  65. Zhou J, Dore GJ, Zhang F, Lim PL, Chen YM*. Hepatitis B and C virus coinfection in the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database. J. Gastroent. Hepatol. 22: 1510-1518, 2007.
  66. Medah I, Lai SF, Chuang SY, Chang CL, Yen PM N, Chen YM*. Knowledge, attitude, and practices towards human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection among new entrant university students in Taiwan. Taiwan J. Public Health 26: 324-337, 2007.
  67. Liu SP, Li YS, Chen YJ, Chiang EP, Li AFY, Lee YH, Tsai TF, Hsiao M, Huang CF, Chen YM.* Glycine N-methyltransferase-/- mice develop chronic hepatitis and glycogen storage disease in liver. Hepatol. 46: 1413-1425, 2007.
  68. Goka EAC, Yen PMN, Chiou JQ, Lin CL, Wu CM, Fan HH, Chen YM*. Knowledge attitudes and practice of antenatal mothers on HIV/AIDS and their satisfaction with PMTCT program in Taiwan. Int. J. Coop. 2: 65-88, 2007.
  69. Lan YC, Elbeik T, Dileanis J, Ng V, Chen YJ, Leu HS, Cheng SH, Wong JC, Wong WW, Chen YM*. Molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 subtypes and drug resistant strains in Taiwan. J. Med. Virol. 80: 183-191, 2008.
  70. Huang YC, Chen M, Li AFY, Su CH, Shyr YM, Ho DMT, Chen YM*. Glycine N-methyltransferase is a favorable marker for human cholangiocarcinoma. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 23:1384-1389, 2008. (Epub 2008 Jul 8.)
  71. Wang SF, Huang JC, Lee YM, Liu SJ, Chan YJ, Chau YP, Chuang P, Chen YM*. DC-SIGN mediates avian H5N1 influenza virus infection in cis and in trans. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 373: 561-566, 2008. (Epub 2008 Jun 30.)
  72. Chuang PC, Liu H, Sola C, Chen YM, Jou R. Spoligotypes of mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates of a high tuberculosis burden aboriginal township in Taiwan. Infect. Genet. Evol. 8: 553-557, 2008.
  73. Liao, YJ, Liu SP, Lee CM, Yen CH, Chuang PC, Chen CY; Tsai TF; Huang SF, Lee-Wu Yan-Hwa, Chen YM*. Characterization of a gene knockout mouse model for hepatocellular carcinoma. Int. J. Cancer 124: 816-826, 2009. (Epub Sep 2008).
  74. Yen CH, Hung JH, Liu SP, Chen SY, Chou TY, Tsai TF, Darbha R, Hsieh LL, Chen YM*. Glycine N-methyltransferase affects the metabolism of aflatoxin B1 and blocks its carcinogenic effect. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 235: 296-304, 2009. (Epub December 2008).
  75. Wang SF, Chen KH, Thitithanyanont A, Yao L, Lee YM, Chan YJ, Liu SJ, Chong P, Liu WT, Huang JC, Chen YM.* Generation and Characterization of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies against Avian H5N1 Hemagglutinin Protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 382: 691-696, 2009.
  76. Lee CM, Shih YP, Chen YM*. Characterization of the 5' Regulatory Region of the Human Glycine N-methyltransferase Gene. Gene 443: 151-157, 2009.
  77. Chen M, Huang YC, Ko IL, Yang S, Chang YH, Huang W J-S, Chen YM*. The rs1447295 at 8q24 is a risk variant for prostate cancer in Taiwanese men. Urology 74: 298-301, 2009.
  78. Wang SF, Huang JC, Lee YM, Liu SJ, Chan YJ, Chau YP, Chuang P, Chen YM*. Influenza A virus in Taiwan, 1980-2006: Phylogenetic and antigenic characteristics of the hemagglutinin gene. J. Med. Virol. 81: 1457-1470, 2009.
  79. Zhou J, Elliott J, Li PCK, Lim PL, Kiertiburanakul S, Kumarasamy N, Merati TP, PUjari S, Chen YM, Phanuphak P, Vonthanak S, Sirisanthana T, Sungkanuparph S, Lee CKC, Kamarulzaman A, Oka S, Zhang F, Tau G Ditangco R. Risk and prognostic significance of tuberculosis in patients from The TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database. BMC Infect Dis. 9: 46-55, 2009
  80. Srasuebkul P, Lim PL, Lee MP, Kumarasamy N , Zhou J, Saphonn V, Zhang FJ, Li PCK, Pujari S, Merati TP, Oka S, Choi JY, Lee C KC, Kamarulzaman A, Tau G, Ditangco R, Chen YM, Phanuphak P, Sungkanuparph S, Sirianthana T, Smith J and Law M G. Short-Term Clinical Disease Progression in HIV-Infected Patients Receiving Combination Antiretroviral Therapy: Results from the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database. Clin. Inf. Dis. 48: 940-950, 2009.
  81. Land S, Cunningham P, Frost K, Katzenstein D, Kantor R, Chen YM, Oka S, DeLong A, Sayer D, Smith J, Dax EM, Law M. The TREAT Asia quality assessment scheme to standardize the outcome of HIV genotypic resistance testing in a group of Asian laboratories. J. Virol. Meths. 159: 185-193, 2009.
  82. Chen YM*, Liao YJ, Liu SP, Tsai TF. Phenotypic difference of two GNMT-/- mouse model for hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology 2009; 2130-2131, 2009.
  83. Yuan-Ming Lee, Sheng-Fan Wang , Cheng-Ming Lee , Kuan-Hsuan Chen ,Yu-Jiun Chan , Wu-Tse Liu ,Yi-Ming Arthur Chen*. Virological investigation of four outbreaks of influenza B reassortants in the northern region of Taiwan from October 2006 to February 2007. BMJ Res. Note 2: 85-96, 2009.
  84. Chen YM*, Yen CH, Liu SP, Liao YJ. Response to the letter to the editor from Dr. Conrad Wagner. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 237: 247, 2009.
  85. Huang JC, Chang YF, Chen KH, Lee CW, Su LC, Chen CC, Chen YM*, Chou C*. Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein in Human Serum using a Localized Surface Plasmon Coupled Fluorescence Fiber-optic Biosensor. Biosens. Bioelectron. 25: 320-325, 2009.
  86. Tsai PC, Fu TW, Chen YM, Ko TL, Chen TH, Shih YH, Hung SC, Fu YS. The therapeutic potential of human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton;s jelly in the treatment of rat liver fibrosis. Liver Transplant. 15: 484-495, 2009.
  87. Pujari S , Srasuebkul P, Sungkanuparph S, Lim PL, Kumarasamy N, Chuah J, Kumar RN, Chen YM, Oka S, Choi JY, Lee MP, Phanuphak P, Kamarulzaman A, Lee C, Fujie Z, Ditangco R, Saphonn V, Sirisanthana T, Parwati T, Merati, Smith J, Law MG. Patient characteristics and treatment outcome associated with Protease Inhibitor (PI) use in the Asia-Pacific region. J. Antimicrobiol. Chemother. 1: 28-35, 2009.
  88. Peng EYC, Lee MB, Morisky DE, Yeh CY, Farabee D, Lan YC, Chen YM, Lyu SY*. Psychiatric morbidity in HIV-infected male prisoners. J. Formos. Med. Asso. 109: 177-84, 2010.
  89. 89. Tsai MJ, Chen YM, Weng CF, Liou DY, Yang HC, Chen CH, Liao RI, Kuo FS, Chiu CW, Kuo HS, Huang MC, Lin YL, Lee MJ, Kuo WC, Huang WC, Cheng H. Enhanced expression of glycine N-methyltransferase by adenovirus-mediated gene transfer in CNS culture is neuroprotective. Ann. N. Y. Aca. Sci. 1199: 194-203, 2010.
  90. Lee YM, Lin HJ, Lee CM, Chen YJ, Chen YM*. Molecular Epidemiology of HCV Genotypes among Injection Drug Users in Taiwan: Full-length sequences of two new subtype 6w strains and a recombinant form_2b6w. J. Med. Virol. 82: 57-68, 2010.
  91. Chen M, Huang YC, Ko IL, Yang S, Chang YH, Huang W J-S, Yi-Ming Arthur Chen YM*. Common variants at 8q24 are associated with prostate cancer risk in Taiwanese men. Prostate, 70: 502-507, 2010. [2009 Nov 11. Epub ahead of print]
  92. Chan YJ, Lee CL, Hwang SJ, Fung CP, Wang FD, Yen DHT, Tsai CH, Chen YMA, Lee SD. Seroprevalence of antibodies to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus among hospital staff in a medical center in Taiwan. J. Chin. Med. Assoc. 73: 62-66, 2010.
  93. Liao YJ, Chen KH, Huang SF, Chen TL, Wang CK, Chien CH, Tsai TF, Liu SP, Chen YM.* Deficiency of glycine N-methyltransferase results in deterioration of cellular defense to stress in mouse liver. Proteomics Clin. Appl. 4: 394-406, 2010.
  94. Chen YJ, Huang YH, Kao DYT, Lan YC, Yang JY, Chen YM*. Molecular epidemiology of subtype B, CRF01_AE and CRF07_BC infection among injection drug users in Taiwan. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (JAIDS) 53: 425-439, 2010.
  95. Oyomopito R, Lee MP, Phanuphak P, Lim PL, Citangco R, Zhou J, Sirianthana T, Chen YM, Pujar S, Kumarasamy N, Sungkanuparph S, Lee CKC, Kumarulzaman A, Oka S, Zhang FJ, Mean CV, Merati TP, Tau G, Li PCK. Measures of country and site resourcing predict virologic suppression, immunologic response and HIV disease progression following HAART in the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD). HIV Med. 11: 519-529, 2010.
  96. Zhou J Pujari S , Srasuebkul P, Sungkanuparph S, Lim PL, Kumarasamy N, Chuah J, Kumar RN, Chen YM, Oka S, Choi JY, Lee MP, Phanuphak P, Kamarulzaman A, Lee C, Fujie Z, Ditangco R, Saphonn V, Sirisanthana T, Parwati T, Merati, Smith J, Law MG. Deferred modification of antiretroviral regimen following documented treatment failure in Asia: results from The TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD) HIV Med. 11: 31-39, 2010.
  97. Chang YF, Wang SF, Huang JC, Su LC, Yao L, Li YC, Wu SC, Chen YM, Hsieh JP, Chou C. Detection of swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) viruses using a localized surface plasmon coupled fluorescence fiber-optic biosensor. Biosens. Bioelectron. 26: 1068–1073, 2010.
  98. Peng EY, Yeh CY, Lyu SY*, Morisky DE, Chen YM, Lee MB, Farabee D, Malow R. Prevalence and correlates of lifetime suicidal ideation among HIV-infected male inmates in Taiwan. AIDS Care 22: 1212-1220, 2010.
  99. Wang SF, Yao L, Liu SJ,, Chong P, Chen YM*, Huang JC*. Identifying Conserved DR1501-Restricted CD4+ T-Cell Epitopes in Avian H5N1 Hemagglutinin Proteins. Viral. Immuno. 23:585-593, 2010.
  100. Chuang PC, Chen HY, Chen YM, Jou R. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of cell wall biosynthesis associated genes and a phylogeny of principal genetic group 1 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Infect. Genet. Evol. 10: 459-466, 2010.
  101. Tsai TI, Chen IJ, Morisky D, Chen YM*. Service modalities and attitudes as keys in needle exchange programmes- a survey of service providers. J. AIDS Pre. Care, 22: 546-557, 2010.
  102. Fan APC, Kuo HCC, Kao DYT, Morisky DE, Chen YM*. Quality of life and needs assessment on people living with HIV and AIDS in Malawi. AIDS Care. 23: 287-302, 2010.
  103. Chang YJ, Chen HC, Lee BH, You SL, Lin CY, Pan MH, Chou YC, Hsieh CY, Chen YM, Cheng YJ, Chen CJ. Unique variants of human papillomavirus genotypes 52 and 58 and risk of cervical neoplasia. Int. J. Cancer. 129: 965-73, 2011.
  104. Chen CC, Kruger J, Sramala I, Hsu HJ, Henklein P, Chen YM, Fischer WB. Open Reading Frame 8a of SARS-CoV forms an ion channel: experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1808: 572-579, 2011.
  105. Liao CF, Wang SF, Lin YT, Ho David and Chen YM*. Identification of the DC-SIGN-interactive domains on the envelop glycoprotein of HIV-1 CRF07_BC. AIDS Res. Human Retro. 27: 831-839 2011. [Jan 17. Epub ahead of print]
  106. Oyomopito R, Phanuphak P, Sungkanuparph S, Kumarasamy N, Sirisanthana T, Li P, Kantipong P, Lee C, Kamarulzaman A, Chen YM*. Cohort Profile: The PharmAccess African (PASER-M) and the TREAT Asia (TASER-M) Monitoring Studies to Evaluate Resistance--HIV drug resistance in sub-Saharan Africa and the Asia-Pacific. Int J Epidemiol. 41: 43–54, 2012. [2010, Epub ahead of print].
  107. Petoumenos K, Hui E, Kumarasamy N, Kerr SJ, Choi JY, Chen YM, Merati T, Zhang F, Lim PL, Sungkanuparph S, Pujari S, Ponnampalavanar S, Ditangco R, Lee CK, Grulich A, Law MG; TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database. Cancers in the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD): a retrospective analysis of risk factors. J Int AIDS Soc. 13: 51, 2010.
  108. Zhou J, Sirisanthana T, Kiertiburanakul S, Chen YM, Han N, Lim PL, Kumarasamy N, Choi JY, Merati TP, Yunihastuti E, Oka S, Kamarulzaman A, Phanupak P, Lee CK, Li PC, Pujari S, Saphonn V, Law MG. Trends in CD4 counts in HIV-infected patients with HIV viral load monitoring while on combination antiretroviral treatment: results from The TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database. BMC Infect. Dis. 10: 361, 2010.
  109. Liu SP, Li YS, Lee CH, Liao YJ, Huang SF, Chen CH, Chen YM*. Higher susceptibility to aflatoxin B(1)-related hepatocellular carcinoma in glycine N-methyltransferase knockout mice. Int. J. Cancer. 128: 511-523, 2011.
  110. Wang YC, Chen YM, Lin YJ, Liu SP, Chiang EP. GNMT expression increases hepatic folate contents and folate-dependent methionine synthase-mediated homocysteine remethylation. Mol Med, 17: 486-494, 2011.
  111. Wang YC, Tang FY, Chen SY, Chen YM*, Chiang EP*. Glycine-N methyltransferase expression in HepG2 cells is involved in methyl group homeostasis by regulating transmethylation kinetics and DNA methylation. J Nutr. 141: 777-782, 2011.
  112. Fan AP, Kosik RO, Su TP, Lee FY, Hou MC, Chen YM, Chen CH, Lee CH. Factors Associated with Suicidal Ideation in Taiwanese Medical Students. Medical Teacher 33: 256-257, 2011.
  113. Chen M, Ho CW, Huang YC, Wu KY, Wu MT, Jeng HA, Chen CJ, Shih TS, Lai CH, Pan CH*, Chen YM*. Glycine N-methyltransferase affects urinary 1-hydroxypyrene and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine levels after PAH exposure. J. Occup. Env. Med. 53; 812-819, 2011.
  114. Peng EY, Yeh CY, Cheng SH, Morisky DE, Lan YC, Chen YM, Lyu SY*, Malow RM. A case-control study of HIV infection among incarcerated female drug users: impact of sharing needles and having drug-using sexual partners. J Formos Med Assoc. 110; 446-453, 2011.
  115. Lee YM, Chen YJ, Lee CM, Kuo LH, Wong WW and Chen YM*. Detection of hepatitis C virus subtypes 6a, 6n, 6w and mixed infections using a modified multiplex RT-PCR protocol. J Formos Med Assoc 110: 762-767, 2011.
  116. Wang SF, Chen KH, Chen M, Lee WY, Chen YJ, Huang JC, Chen YM*. Human-Leukocyte-Antigen Class I Cw 1502 and Class II DR 0301 Genotypes are Associated with Resistance to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Infection. Viral Immuno 24: 421-426, 2011. (Epub ahead of print, Sep 29,2011)
  117. Chen YJ, Lin YT, Chen M, Huang SW, Lai SF, Wong WW, Tsai HC, Lin YH, Liu HF, Lyu SY, Chen YM*. Risk factor for HIV-1 seroconversion among Taiwanese men who have sex with men attending gay saunas. BMC Infect. Dis. 11: 334-339, 2011.
  118. Lyu SY, Su LW, Chen YM*. Effects of education on harm-reduction programmes. Lancet 379: e28-e30, 2012 [Epub ahead of print August 17, 2011].
  119. Yen CH, Lu YC, Li CH, Lee CM, Chen CY, Cheng MY, Huang SF, Chen KF, Cheng AL, Liao LY, Wu Lee YH, Chen YM*. Functional Characterization of GNMT and its interacting protein-DEPTOR in hepatocellular carcinoma. Mol. Med. 18: 286-96. 2012 (2011 Dec 1. Epub ahead of print).
  120. Poh-Lian Lim, Jialun Zhou, Rossana A Ditangco, Matthew G Law, Thira Sirisanthana, Nagalingeswaran Kumarasamy, Chen YM, Praphan Phanuphak, Christopher KC Lee, Vonthanak Saphonn, Shinichi Oka, Fulie Zhang, Jun Y Choi, Sanjay Pujari, Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Patrick CK Li, Tuti P Merati, Evy Yunihastuti, Liesl Messerschmidt and Somnuek Sungkanuparph. Failure to prescribe pneumocystis prophylaxis is associated with increased mortality, even in the cART era: results from the Treat Asia HIV observational database. J Int AIDS Soc, 15: 1-9, 2012.
  121. Liao YJ, Chen TL, Lee TS, Wang CK, Liao LY, Wang HA, Liu RS, Huang SF and Chen YM*. Glycine N-methyltransferase deficiency affects Niemann-Pick Type C2 protein stability and regulates hepatic cholesterol homeostasis. Mol. Med., 18: 412-422, 2012.
  122. Yang CP, Wang HA, Hsu CL, Fan Angela, Tsai TH, Chen CJ, Hong CJ, Chen YM*. Characterization of the neuropsychological phenotype of glycine N-methyltransferase -/- mice and evaluation of its responses to clozapine and sarcosine treatments. Eur. Neurpsychopharmacol. 22:596-606. 2012.
  123. Chen YJ, Lee CM, Chen M, Chuang SY, Liu HF, Wong WW, Lin YH, Tsai HC, Chen YM*. Molecular Epidemiology of HIV-1 Infection in Taiwan from 2005 to 2008: Further spread of CRF07_BC and emergence of CRF07_BC/subtype B dual infection. J. Acquir. Immune. Defic. Syndr. (JAIDS), 59: 438-446, 2012.
  124. Chen CY, Ching LC, Liao YJ, Yu YB, Tsou CY, Shyue SK, Chen YM*, Lee TS* Deficiency of Glycine N-methyltransferase Aggravates Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein E-null Mice. Mol Med 18: 744-52, 2012 [Epub ahead of print March 8, 2012].
  125. Zhou J, Tanuma J, Chaiwarith R, Lee CK,, Matthew G Law MG, Kumarasamy N, Phanuphak P, Chen YM, Kiertiburanakul S, Zhang F, Vonthanak S, Ditangco R, Pujari SN, Choi JY, Merati T, Yunihastuti E, Li P, Kamarul A. Loss to follow-up in HIV-infected patients from Asia-Pacific region: results from TAHOD. AIDS Res Treat 2012: 375217. doi: 10.1155/2012/375217. [Epub 2012 Feb 22.]
  126. Oyomopito RA, Li PCK, Sungkanuparph S, Phanuphak P, Tee KK, Sirisanthana T, Kantipong P, Oka S, Lee CKC, Kamarulzaman A, Choi JY, Sohn AH, Law M, Chen YM. Evaluating immunologic response and clinical deterioration in treatment-naïve patients initiating first-line therapies infected with HIV 1 CRF01_AE and subtype B. JAIDS, 62(3):293-300, 2013. [Epub ahead of print Nov 7., 2012]
  127. Meda ZC, Lin YT, Sombie I, Mare D, Morisky D, Chen YM.* Medical Adherence predictors among patients with tuberculosis or human immunodeficiency virus infection in Burkina Faso. J Microbio Immun Inf,13: S1684-1182, 2013
  128. Luong HM, Wang SF, Trao VT, Lin YT, Chen M, Huang JC, Cam PD, Chen YM.*. Retrospective survey of avian influenza H5N1 infection in Northern Vietnam by using a combinational serologic assay. Health, 4: 974-982, 2012.
  129. Yen JH, Lin YT, Chen HL, Chen YM*. The Multi-functional roles of GNMT in toxicology and cancer. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 266: 67-75, 2013.
  130. Lee YM, Lin YT, Chen YM.* Seroepidemiology of HHV-8 and Parvovirus B-19 in HIV-infected persons in Taiwan. J Microbio Immuno Infec, in press, 2013.
  131. Liao YJ, Yen CH, Chen YM.*. Phosphorylated forms of GNMT in mouse liver, J Proteomics, 2013 Jan 20. pii: S1874-3919(13),2013.01.007 [Epub ahead of print].
  132. Tran DT, Kosik RO, Mandell GA, Chen YM, Su TP, Chiu AW, Fan AP. Tobacco control in Vietnam. Public Health, 127: 109-118, 2013.
  133. Lin YL, Chen YM*. The Serologic Decoy Receptor 3 (DcR3) Levels are Associated with Slower Disease Progression in HIV-1/AIDS Patients. J Formos Med Assoc, in press, 2013.
  134. Meda ZC, Lin YT, Sombie I, Sanon OWC, Mare D, Morisky D, Chen YM.* Risk factors of tuberculosis infection among HIV/AIDS patients in Burkina Faso. AIDS Res Human Retrovir,29(7):1045-1055, 2013.
  135. Lin IY, Yen CH, Liao YJ, Lin SE, Ma HP, Chan YJ, Chen YM*. Identification of FKBP11 as a biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma. Anticancer Res, 33(6)2769-2769, 2013.
  136. Wang YC, Lin WL, Lin YJ, Tang FY, Chen YM, Chiang EP. A novel role of the tumor suppressor GNMT in cellular defense against DNA damage. Int J Cancer 2013; Aug 7. Doi: 10.1002/ijc.28420 [Epub ahead of print]
  137. Cheng-Ming LEE*, Chia-Hung YEN, Tsai-Yu TZEN G, Yu-Zen HUANG*, Kuan-Hsien CHOU, Tai-Jay CHANG, Yi-Ming ARTHUR CHEN*. Androgen response element of the glycine N-methyltransferase gene is located in the coding region of its first exon. Biosci Rep.33:761-769,2013.
  138. Lin JH, Chiu SC, Salemi M, Wu HS, Lin YC, Ksiao KL, Cheng JC, Lin YC, Chen YM, Liu HF. The Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Dynamics of influenza A virus in Taiwan: a microcosm of flu pandemics. J Virol, submitted.
  139. Liao YJ, Yen CH, Lin YT, Wang CK, Huang SF, Chen KH, Yang CP, Chen TL, Chen YM.* Characterization of Niemann-Pick Type C2 (NPC2) protein expression in multiple cancers using a novel NPC2 monoclonal antibody. PLoS One, 2013, in press.
  140. Wu WH, Lin YT, Chen YM.* Molecular epidemiology of enterovirus infection in children in Taipei in 2007. J Microbio Immuno Infec, under revision, 2013.
  141. Kuo TC, Wu WH, Lin YT, Huang SW, Liu HF, Wang J, Chen YM.* Molecular Epidemiology of Enterovirus 71 Infection in the Central Region of Taiwan from 2002 to 2012. J Med Virol, 2013, submitted.
  142. Chen M, Huang YL, Huang Y, Shui IN, Giovannucci E, Chen YC, Chen YM.* Genetic Polymorphisms of the Glycine N-methyltransferase and Prostate Cancer Risk in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Cancer Biomarker Prev, submitted 2013.

Conference Abstracts


  1. Chen YM, Lee TH, Samuel KP et al. Antibody response to different regions of HTLV-1 gp61 in asymptomatic carriers. ATL patients and individuals with TSP. The Second International HTLV Meeting, Trinidad. Feb. 1989.
  2. Chen YM, Lee TH, Samuel KP et al. Antibody reactivity to different regions of HTLV-1 gp61 in infected people. RNA tumor virus meeting. Cold Spring Harbor, USA. May 1989.
  3. Chen YM, Lee TH, Samuel KP et al. Antibody reactivity to different regions of HTLV-1 gp61 in infected people Annual meeting of American Society of Microbiology, West Ontario, Canada. Sep. 1989.
  4. Chen YM, Okayama A, Lee TH et al. Antibody reactivity of different high-risk groups to HTLV-1 ENV and Tax recombinant protein. Annual Meeting of Lab of Tumor Immunology, NIH, MD, USA. Sep. 1989.
  5. Chen YM, Okayama A, Lee TH et al. Sexual transmission of HTLV-1 associated with the presence of the anti-Tax antibody. The Third International HTLV meeting, Hawaii. April 1990.
  6. Chen YM, Lee TH, Wiktor SZ et al. Mapping the type-specific epitopes on the HTLV-1 and -II envelope glycoprotein. RNA tumor virus meeting. Cold Spring Harbor, USA. May 1990.
  7. Gomez-Lucia E, Chen YM, Yu Q-C, Essex M. Experimental infeciton of monocytes by HTLV. RNA tumor virus meeting. Cold Spring Harbor, USA. May 1990. 
  8. Chen YM, Lee TH, Essex M. HTLV-1 Envelope glycoprotein:the biological and epidemiological significance. International Human Retro virology: HIV & HTLV Conference, Taipei, R.O.C. Sep. 1990.
  9. Chen YM, Samuel KP, Blattner W et al. Mapping the type-specific regions on HTLV-I and HTLV-II envelope glycoprotein. International AIDS Conference. Florance Italy, June 1991.
  10. Chen YM, Zhang X-g, Dahl C. et al. Delineation of type-specific regions on HTLV envelope glycoproteins and its serological application. The Sixth International AIDS in Africa Conference.Dakar, Senegal. Dec. 1991.
  11. Chen YM. Delineation of type-specific regions on HTLV envelope glycoproteins by Recombinant protein-Western blot assay and ADCC. The NIH HTLV vaccine-perspective workshop. Bethesda, USA. Jan. 1992.Chen YM. Delineation of the HTLV type-specific regions by recombinant Env proteins and ADCC assays. The Second International Taipei AIDS Conference. Taipei, ROC. May.


    Chen YM, Kanki PJ, Jang YJ, et al. Isolation of simian T-lymphotropic virus type II (STLV-II) from new world monkeys. The IXth International Conference of AIDS, Berlin. 1993.
  13. Jen I, Lan JF, Lin HT, Chen YM. A modified aids risk reduction model (ARRM) for female sex workers in Taiwan. The IXth International Conference of AIDS, Berlin, 1993.


    Chen YM, Kanki PJ, Jang YJ, et al. Isolation of simian T-lymphotropic virus type II (STLV-II) from new world monkeys. Retroviruses meeting. Cold Spring Harbor, USA. May 1993.
  15. Lee MS, Chen YM, Chen SH, King CC, Wu YC, Horng CB, Chou P. Evaluation of two hepatitis B virus immunization programs in an isolated islet-Kinmen, Fukien, Republic of China, 1993. The third International Conference on Viral Disease, Kunming, China, 1993.


    Chen YM, Sheu T-T, Lee CM, Jang Y-J. The V3 region of HIV-1 isolates prevalent in Taiwan contains a unique signature and E subtype sequence. The Xth International Conference on AIDS, Yokohama, Japan, August 1994.
  17. Jen I, Chen YM. The seropositive rates of HIV-1, HTLV-I, syphilis, and HBV infections among illegal sex workers and servants in Taipei city. The Third Taipei International AIDS Conference. Taiwan, ROC. August 1994.


    Chin W-Y, Chang L-Y, Chou P, Chen YM. An evaluation of the impact of an AIDS education program offered to beauty parlor personnel in the Song-San District of Taipei, Taiwan. The Third Taipei International AIDS Conference, Taiwan, ROC. August 1994.
  19. Yao C, Kuo H-S, Chen YM. Economic analyses of the blood screening programs for HIV-1 and HIV-2 in the blood donation centers in Taiwan. The Third Taipei International AIDS Conference. Taiwan, ROC. August 1994.


    Chen YM, Lin H-C, Whang-Peng J. Molecular epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus infection in Taiwan. First APSN International Symposium and Workshop, Singapore, August 1994. 
  21. Chen YJ, Jang YJ, Lee MD, Liu MH, Chen PH, Whang-Peng J, Chen YM. A novel mitochondrial ADP/ATP translocase gene identified from human gastric carcinoma tissue by mRNA differential display. The World Congress of Gastroenterology. Los Angeles, CA, USA, October 1994.


    Chen YM, Lin H-C, Whang-Peng J. Molecular epidemiology and phylogenetic tree analysis of HIV-1 infection in Taiwan. 7th Asian-Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry, Bangkok, Thailand, September 1995. 
  23. Chen YJ, Lee MD, Liu MH, Chen PH, Chen YM. The study of p16 (MTS1) gene expression in gastric cancer cell lines and uncultured gastric cancers. The Society of Surgical Oncology's 48th Annual Cancer Symposium, Boston, USA. March 1995.

  24. Chen YM. Differential diagnosis of HIV-1 vs. HIV-2, HTLV-I vs. HTLV-II and HIV-1 subtyping. International Symposium on Diagnosis of Viral and Chlamydial Infection. Tainan, ROC. March 1996. Chen YM, Chen S-H, Osame M, Chen J-Y. Antibody reactivities to tumor suppressor protein p53 and HTLV-I regulatory gene products (Tof, Rev and Tax) in HTLV-I infected people with different clinical status. Retroviruses meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, USA. May 1996.

  25. Chen YM, Chen S-H, Osame M, Chen J-Y. Antibody reactivities to tumor suppressor protein p53 and HTLV-I regulatory gene products (Tof, Rev and Tax) in HTLV-I infected people with different clinical status. Annual meeting for Chinese Society of Oncology, Taipei, Taiwan. May 1996.

  26. Chen YM, Chen S-H, Osame M, Chen J-Y. Antibody reactivities to tumor suppressor protein p53 and HTLV-I regulatory gene products (Tof, Rev and Tax) in HTLV-I infected people with different clinical status. The XIth International Conference on AIDS, Vancuver, Canada. August 1996.

  27. Chen YM. Current situation of HIV-1 infection in Taiwan, a community report. Global response to HIV/AIDS from Chinese communities. An official satellite symposium of the XIth International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, Canada, August 1996.

  28. Chen YM, Chen S-H, Fu C-Y, Chen J-Y, and Osame M. Antibody reactivities to p53 and HTLV-I regulatory proteins- tax, rex and tof in HTLV-I infected people. The 4th International AIDS Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. December 1996.

  29. Yao C, Wang W-W, Chung Y-M, Su Y-L, Liu C-Y, and Chen YM. Transfusion-acquired AIDS In Taiwan. The 4th International AIDS Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. December 1996.

  30. Chen YM, Ting S-T, Liu W-T, Pan W-H, Chou P. Community-based molecular epidemiology of human T-cell leukemia virus type I infection in Kin-hu, Kinmen and three townships in Taiwan. The 4th International AIDS Conference, Taipei, ROC. December 1996.

  31. Jen I, Chang L-Y, Lin R-Y, Chen YM. Survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning AIDS among female sex workers in Taipei, Taiwan. The 4th International AIDS Conference, Taipei, ROC. December 1996.

  32. Chen YM, Lin C-C, Lin R-Y. Surveys of HIV-1, HTLV-I and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) among female sex workers in Taipei, Taiwan. The 4th International AIDS Conference, Taipei, ROC. December 1996.

  33. Chen YM, Chen S-H, Osame M, Chen J-Y. Antibody reactivities to tumor suppressor protein p53 and HTLV-I regulatory gene products (Tof, Rev and Tax) in HTLV-I infected people with different clinical status. Retroviruses meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, USA. May 1996.

  34. Chen YM, Chen S-H, Osame M, Chen J-Y. Antibody reactivities to tumor suppressor protein p53 and HTLV-I regulatory gene products (Tof, Rev and Tax) in HTLV-I infected people with different clinical status. Annual meeting for Chinese Society of Oncology, Taipei, Taiwan. May 1996.

  35. Shiu J-YA, Tzeng S-J, Chen Y-J, Lui W-Y, Chen YM. cDNA cloning and sequencing of human glycine N-methyl transferase whose expression is diminished in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Annual meeting of Chinese Society of Oncology, Taiepi, Taiwan. May 1996. (*The first award of the poster competition).

  36. Chen YM, Chen S-H, Osame M, Chen J-Y. Antibody reactivities to tumor suppressor protein p53 and HTLV-I regulatory gene products (Tof, Rev and Tax) in HTLV-I infected people with different clinical status. The XIth International Conference on AIDS, Vancuver, Canada. August 1996.

  37. Chen YM, Chen S-H, Osame M, Chen J-Y. Antibody reactivities to tumor suppressor protein p53 and HTLV-I Tof, Rex and Tax in HTLV-I infected people with differing clinical status. VIII International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. June 1997.

  38. Chen YM, Ting S-T, Lee C-M, Pan W-H, Saitou N, Chou P. Population-based molecular epidemiology of human T-cell leukemia virus type I in Taiwan and Kinmen islands. VIII International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. June 1997. 

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