★★ 2020Center for Cancer Research International teleconference★★
【 Time 】06/21/2020 (Sun.) 08:30~12:30
【 Speakers 】Dr. Kuan-Lin Huang、Dr. Hong-Quan Duong、Dr. Shih-Feng Tsai
【 Location 】9F meeting room, International Academic Research Building, KMU
【 Title 】Genetic mutations during carcinogenesis: NGS and bioinformatics
【 Participant 】Teacher or Student in KMU, Dorctor or Researcher in KMUH
【 Register 】https://forms.gle/LWzn6M
【CCR website】https://ccr.kmu.edu
(1)This activity provided the teacher growth-factor (2 points in research), please fulfill the conference.
(2)We provide lunch to you if you registered and check-in.